Why Play Competitive?
Our competitive program is geared towards the youth player who may wish to train more frequently, travel and play local and regional competition. While the program may be listed as competitive, we hold development and a lifelong love of the game as principles to our competitive program.
Our competitive teams are coached by professionally licensed coaches. They typically train 2-3 times a week and have opportunities to play year round. Teams compete in various tournaments across South Dakota and the Midwest region.
What age groups are eligible?
YYSA offers a competitive soccer program to players at the U10 and above age groups.
What are the costs associated?
In addition to a registration fee, there are additional costs to cover tournaments, coach's travel and/or pay, uniforms. Uniforms are purchased by the players. Other fees are collected and managed at the team level by either the coach or team manager. These fees are not collected as a part of registration dues. Depending on the amount of events a team attends, event fees can range between $100-300 through each "season." Typically a full club year can be viewed as having 3 seasons - Fall (for non-High School athletes), Indoor, and Spring/Summer). Work with your teams coach to get a picture of what they have planned for the club year.
What if I play other sports, can I still play competitive?
We understand not everyone wants to play year round and may play other sports. This is not a problem, just communicate and work with your coaches on your availability and go from there.
Why must I play rec if I play competitive soccer?
U10 and U12 players are required to play recreational soccer if they wish to play competitive soccer. This ensures the health of our recreational soccer program as well as allows a competitive player a robust soccer experience in a setting that may be less structured than the competitive environment.
YFC Policies
Yankton Futbol Club Policies: club policies.pdf
Player Movement Policies: player movement policy.pdf
Updated/Effective: 3/6/2023
Yankton Way
Club Soccer Expectations
Development Guidelines
Please contact Crystal Gemar, Club Director, at [email protected]